Se rumorea zumbido en defillama

Se rumorea zumbido en defillama

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Suscrícojín a nuestro boletín diario para obtener información exclusiva y ejercicio sobre criptomonedas, DeFi, finanzas tradicionales y mucho más.

Each platform offers a unique set of features and data, catering to different needs within the DeFi and broader crypto community.

For users seeking specific investment opportunities, such as finding yield farming options that meet certain criteria, this function is key. Let’s say that a user wants to identify opportunities like a USDC/USDT yield of over 10% with more than 1 million USD in Total Value Locked (TVL) on Ethereum’s layer two solutions like Optimism, Arbitrum, and zkSync.

esquema: DefiLlama es una plataforma de Disección de datos de primer nivel en finanzas descentralizadas, que presta servicio a más de 10 millones get more info de usuarios mensuales.

Understanding the schedule of token unlocks helps investors make informed decisions. If many tokens are about to be unlocked, it may depress prices, providing a buying opportunity.

CoinMarketCap: Web de precios de activos digitales. Se alcahuetería de singular de los sitios más populares para analizar el mercado.

El agregador de NFT de DefiLlama permite la exploración de las principales colecciones de NFT, Figuraí como comparar

The design and layout of DefiLlama are intuitive and user-friendly. The platform ensures that users, whether beginners or seasoned experts, can easily navigate and extract the information they seek.

DeFiLlama is and still is becoming one of the best aggregators focused on measuring the Total-Value Locked (TVL) within each DeFi Protocol. We believe that DeFiLlama is one of the most essential and trusted tools on the web to follow through with each DeFi protocol.

DefiLlama no cuenta con el apoyo financiero de inversores. Es un agregador de código descubierto que no genera ingresos y depende de la comunidad, mayormente de donaciones.

La liquidación es un procedimiento crucial en el que un prestamista cierra las posiciones financieras de un prestatario y vende los activos colaterales asociados para recuperar una deuda pendiente.

A household name in the crypto world, CoinMarketCap is the go-to platform for tracking cryptocurrency prices. While it’s primarily known for price tracking, it also provides data on various crypto projects, complete with live charts and other relevant metrics.

By querying other prominent platforms, it identifies the most benévolo price for users. A significant advantage is that no fees are charged for swaps, allowing users to secure the best price, especially for substantial on-chain orders.

Every option offers a distinct advantage in terms of design, targeting a particular ecosystem, or the variety of features provided.

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